About us
Accounting, Finance and Tax Consulting Company Veda Group was founded on 25/10/2007 as a follower of the Veda agency, which had been in business since 1994. Our clients are micro and small companies, sole traders and associations of citizens.
Accounting has one of the most important roles in every company. The accounting task is to make evidence and record each documented business change. Although, at the first sight, it seems a mundane and routine job, the reality is quite different. Accounting is much more than a simple technical service, or a pure chronicle of business events of a company. It is the right hand to the management of the company in making the right business decisions by providing full range of information to them, and in order to achieve the optimum compromise in the sense that these decisions are as much in the interest of the company as possible, and yet not contrary to the relevant legal regulations.
External accounting services include much more than just bookkeeping (personnel records, employment policies, financial operations, financial statements analysis etc.), and in the contemporary sense, they more and more often have the so-called legal role (interpretation of regulations, development of supporting legal documents and else).
Due to all the above, management of a modern company is getting to understand this role in a proper way, not as a “cost”, and especially not as a “necessary evil” of a company, but as its long-term smart investment, and as a very strong ally on the way to achieving the best possible business results in a constantly turbulent economic environment.
It is with this mission exactly that VEDA GROUP is here for you, to assist you in an expert and professional way to overcome efficiently many obstacles on the often tough path.